On the 4th of July, the Southwest Management District and the Sharpstown Civic Association are holding a festival in the parking lot of the PlazAmericas mall (Bellaire @ 59). Our club has rented a booth for the event, and we would like volunteers to man the table along with one of our board members. Possible activates include voter registration (if you are a registered VDVR), accepting membership applications, handing out promotional material, and greeting candidates and the public. The booth will operate between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
We really need some club members to volunteer to work at the booth during the day. If you’d like to volunteer, please complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdexuCEc7ybyWbc_cFrf7XGPff6oKkeNmb8b5-4daf_7UN49g/viewform