Congratulations to our 2023 Executive Board

Our annual board elections were held at our February 25th meeting. The elected members are:

  • President: Adrian Ozuna

  • Vice-President: Carolyn Riley

  • Secretary: Kara DeRocha

  • Treasurer: Erik Manning

  • At-Large: Michelle Palmer, Soren Valverde, Mark Alan Harrison

Also, big thanks to JT Beebe for handling our social media accounts.

The Member BBQ and Potluck Was a Blast!

Instead of having a regular meeting for the month of May, we decided to have a member appreciation barbecue and potluck. The event was graciously hosted by our new board member, Mark Alan Harrison. HUGE HUGE thanks to Judge Tanya Garrison and her family for providing the AMAZING brisket, sausages, and chicken!

Judge Garrison has long been a big supporter of our club, and we are honored to have her as a member. Please be sure to vote for her (and every other Democrat on the ballot) this November!

Re-Elect Judge Tanya Garrison

Proposed Bylaws Changes

At our March Meeting this Saturday, we will also briefly discuss a small change to our club bylaws. A motion was made at our last meeting to change the Executive Committee positions of Parliamentarian, Social Media Director, and Field Director back to three at-large positions, as they were prior to our bylaws overhaul several years ago. The duties of parliamentarian, social media director, and field director will be assigned by the executive committee based on the skillsets brought by each member.

We will briefly discuss these changes and then will vote on the motion at our April meeting.

The proposed changes are as follows (to Article IV. The full bylaws can be read HERE)