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The Scourge of Project 2025
At our July membership meeting, we discussed the truly heinous right-wing playbook known as “Project 2025.” This is the blueprint for Republicans and the Trump team on how to dismantle American democracy and implement an autocratic dictatorship, stripping the rights and freedoms that have truly made American great.
To view the presentation, “The Scourge of Project 2025,” developed by Michelle Palmer and Diana Martinez Alexander, click here.
To view the 900+ page document known as Project 2025, developed by the Heritage Foundation, click here.
Indivisible also has a great guide called “Project 2025, Explained” available for download here.
Volunteers Needed for Liberty Fest
On June 30th from 4-7 p.m., we will be working a booth at the Liberty Fest at PlazAmericas Mall (7500 Bellaire, Houston, TX 77036).
We need volunteers to help work the booth, with a big need for Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars (VDVRs).
If you’d like to volunteer, please complete THIS FORM.
Proposed Bylaws Changes
To view the redline version of the proposed bylaws with the changes, please click here: PROPOSED BYLAWS CHANGES - JUNE 2024
These changes will be voted upon at our June Meeting.
Pride Month Resolution
In light of attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community, and especially our transgender family, the Southwest Democrats club passed a resolution in support of Pride Month and transgender rights.
The resolution passed unanimously. You may read the full text of the resolution here:
Approved Bylaws Change
A motion to amend the bylaws was made at our February meeting and approved at our April meeting. The amendment reads as follows:
Article IV 8. b.
The term of office shall be for one year.
Replace with:
Term of office shall be for two years with elections being held in odd numbered years. (Should this amendment be adopted in 2023 the next election shall be held in Feb 2025.)
The motion passed unanimously.
Two New Club Policies
At our March 12th board meeting, we finalized a couple of club policies to help facilitate meeting/event structure and transparency.
The first policy provides guidelines for individuals who have graciously offered to sponsor one of our meetings/events: EVENT SPONSORSHIP POLICY
The second policy provides guidelines for distributing literature at our events that are not provided by the club directly: NON-CLUB SPONSORED LITERATURE POLICY
To view all of the documents that guide our club, including policies, bylaws, and resolutions, please visit our Documents Page.
Proposed Bylaws Change
A motion to amend the bylaws was made at our February meeting. The amended reads as follows:
Article IV 8. b.
The term of office shall be for one year.
Replace with:
Term of office shall be for two years with elections being held in odd numbered years. (Should this amendment be adopted in 2023 the next election shall be held in Feb 2025.)
This motion to amend will be discussed at our March membership meeting and will be voted on at our April membership meeting.
Congratulations to our 2023 Executive Board
Our annual board elections were held at our February 25th meeting. The elected members are:
President: Adrian Ozuna
Vice-President: Carolyn Riley
Secretary: Kara DeRocha
Treasurer: Erik Manning
At-Large: Michelle Palmer, Soren Valverde, Mark Alan Harrison
Also, big thanks to JT Beebe for handling our social media accounts.
2nd Annual Houston's Got Talent Karaoke - Campaign Kickoff Edition!
Wow! The 2nd Annual Houston's Got Talent Karaoke was SO MUCH FUN! Big thanks to all of the clubs involved in Clubs in Action for making this a huge success! Now… let’s start practicing for next year!

2022 Bellaire 4th of July Parade
Good times are always had at the annual Bellaire 4th of July parade! We joined with other local clubs and candidates to show our Democratic and patriotic pride!

2022 Liberty Fest
The annual Liberty Fest at PlazAmericas mall was another fun time! Thank you to the Southwest Management District and the Sharpstown Civic Association for putting on a great event!

Statement Regarding Roe v. Wade Overturning
The Supreme Court ruling, striking down Roe, is a dark day for our country. It has placed the health and well-being of millions of women at risk and removed protections that existed for two generations. The Court’s ruling also places in jeopardy other rulings that are based on the Right to Privacy. Given earlier rulings in this Court session, these are ideological in nature and not based in the Constitution or the Rule of Law.
This ruling, combined with others, reminds us that every election matters. Given everything we’ve learned over the last few weeks, democracy itself is under attack by the people who appointed the majority of the Supreme Court.
This is a call to action. Women are not as safe as they were yesterday. The Supreme Court isn’t done, looking at interracial marriage, contraception, and same-sex marriage next. This Court is attacking anything it doesn’t agree with, regardless of the basis in Law and the Constitution. We will not give into despair, but fight on because democracy is on the line. Our Rights are on the line. And there are more of use than there are of them.
Fight for the Future!
Adrian Ozuna,
President, Southwest Democrats
The Member BBQ and Potluck Was a Blast!
Instead of having a regular meeting for the month of May, we decided to have a member appreciation barbecue and potluck. The event was graciously hosted by our new board member, Mark Alan Harrison. HUGE HUGE thanks to Judge Tanya Garrison and her family for providing the AMAZING brisket, sausages, and chicken!
Judge Garrison has long been a big supporter of our club, and we are honored to have her as a member. Please be sure to vote for her (and every other Democrat on the ballot) this November!

Welcome to the Board, Mark Alan Harrison!
We are excited to welcome our newest board member, Mark Alan Harrison!
Mark, who ran for Constable Precinct 5 in 2020, cares very deeply for our community. He is an experienced leader, veteran law enforcement officer, and Former Chief of Police and Lieutenant with the Harris County Constable Office. He is a lifelong resident of Sharpstown, having attended Sutton Elementary, Jane Long Junior High, and Sharpstown High School. He is the father of a wonderful daughter and grandfather of three amazing granddaughters.
The entire executive board looks forward to a very successful 2022 and beyond!
The Truth About Bail Bonds
Public safety is a major issue right now, and there has been a lot of discussion about the cause in the uptick in crime. Republican politicos, bonding companies, and other entities have been spreading misinformation about the bail bond process, but we want to set the record straight. We are grateful to our wonderful panel featuring Judge Danny Lacayo, Judge Te'iva Bell, Judge Andrew Wright, and defense attorney Juan Aguirre. Huge thanks to Juanita Jackson for Judge for sponsoring the refreshments at this event.

March Meeting: "What the Heck is GLO??? (And Why Should I Care?)"
One of the most important offices in the state needs a spotlight, the General Land Office. It is really important that Houstonians know all about GLO because they control the flood mitigation dollars. Houston and Harris County are fighting for flood mitigation dollars right now. We were honored to be joined by Zoe Middleton, Policy Advisor for Harris County Commissioner Precinct 1, and Alexander Obregon, Deputy City Controller for the city of Houston!
Huge thanks to Judge Gloria Lopez for sponsoring the refreshments at this event. Please visit her webpage at

Proposed Bylaws Changes
At our March Meeting this Saturday, we will also briefly discuss a small change to our club bylaws. A motion was made at our last meeting to change the Executive Committee positions of Parliamentarian, Social Media Director, and Field Director back to three at-large positions, as they were prior to our bylaws overhaul several years ago. The duties of parliamentarian, social media director, and field director will be assigned by the executive committee based on the skillsets brought by each member.
We will briefly discuss these changes and then will vote on the motion at our April meeting.
The proposed changes are as follows (to Article IV. The full bylaws can be read HERE)
Post-Primary Unity Social with Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats
Now that the primary is over (we'll worry about the runoffs later!), let's come together and relax as Democrats, united in our battle against extremist Republicans. Of course, margaritas help!

2022 Democratic Primary Block Walks
The 2022 Democratic Primary is the first one our club has had a GOTV program. To help get out the vote, we brought back the Walk Your Own Way campaign that was so successful in 2020. Big thanks to all of the volunteers that came out to help get out the vote!